
People with waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (WM) may experience the following symptoms or signs. Sometimes, people with waldenström’s macroglobulinemia do not show any of these symptoms. Or, these symptoms may be caused by a medical condition that is not cancer. Some of the signs and symptoms of people with waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia are similar to those of people with other types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). For example, weight loss, fever, night sweats, and swollen lymph nodes can be seen in many types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Other waldenstrom macroglobulinemia symptoms are caused by the abnormal IgM antibody (M protein) made by the cancer cells:
  • A condition called amyloidosis occurs when a part of the IgM antibody (called the light chain) builds up in organs like the heart and kidneys. This buildup can lead to heart and kidney problems.
  • If the abnormal protein only causes the blood to become thick in cooler parts of the body (like in the tip of the nose, ears, fingers, and toes), it is called a cryoglobulin. Cryoglobulins can cause pain or other problems in these areas if a person is exposed to cooler temperatures.
  • In hyperviscosity syndrome, too much of this protein in the blood can cause it to become too “thick.” (This is not the kind of thickness that can be treated with drugs known as “blood thinners.”) When the blood gets too thick, it has trouble traveling through blood vessels. This causes problems such as poor circulation to the brain, which can lead to symptoms similar to a stroke.
But, not all patients with WM develop amyloidosis, cryoglobulins, or hyperviscosity.

Common Symptoms of Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia

Fever, Sweats, and Weight Loss. Lymphoma can cause fevers (without an infection), drenching night sweats, and weight loss (without trying). Together, these are called B symptoms.

Loss of Appetite. Some people with waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia lose their appetite.

Neuropathy. The abnormal antibody in some people with waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia can attack and damage nerves outside the brain. This can lead to problems with numbness or a painful “pins and needles” sensation in the feet and legs, which is called neuropathy.

Weakness. The most common symptom of waldenstrom macroglobulinemia is weakness. It can be caused by anemia (too few red blood cells), which can happen when the waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia cells crowd out normal cells in the bone marrow. Some people also feel weak when the blood becomes thick from the buildup of the abnormal protein.

Symptoms of Hyperviscosity (Thick Blood)

IgM proteins are large molecules, and when they accumulate in the blood in high levels, the blood can become viscous or thick. This slows down the flow of blood to different parts of the body. Symptoms of hyperviscosity include:
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Loss of coordination
  • Nosebleeds and bleeding gums
  • Vision problems

Other Problems of Waldenstrom's Macroglobulinemia

Abnormal Bleeding. High levels of abnormal antibody can damage blood vessels. Nosebleeds and bleeding gums are common symptoms of people with waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia.

Digestive Symptoms. In some people with waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia, the buildup of IgM in the intestines can lead to problems such as diarrhea, poor absorption of vitamins, or gastrointestinal bleeding (seen as blood in the stools or dark stools).

Enlarged Lymph Nodes. These usually appear as lumps under the skin around the neck, in the groin, or in the armpits. Enlarged lymph nodes are usually about 1 or 2 inches across. They are seen less often in WM than in most other lymphomas.

Heart Problems. High levels of abnormal IgM protein can directly damage heart tissue. Also, in amyloidosis, abnormal protein builds up in the heart muscle. This makes the heart weaker, affecting its ability to pump blood. In addition, because the blood of people with waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia is thicker than normal, their hearts have to work harder to pump blood throughout the body. This strain can cause the heart muscle to wear down, leading to a condition called congestive heart failure. Symptoms can include heart palpitations, fatigue, weakness, cough, shortness of breath, rapid weight gain, and swelling in the feet and legs.

Infections. The high levels of abnormal antibody in waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia “turn-off” normal antibody production. This makes it harder for the body to resist infections.

Kidney Problems. Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia can damage the kidneys. The abnormal IgM protein can damage the kidneys directly or through the development of amyloidosis. When the kidneys aren’t working well, excess salt, fluid, and body waste products stay in the blood. The resulting symptoms include weakness, trouble breathing, and fluid buildup in body tissues.

Nervous System Symptoms. In hyperviscosity syndrome, the thickened blood causes poor brain circulation, leading to problems like headache, confusion, and dizziness. It can also cause symptoms like those seen with a stroke, including slurred speech and weakness on one side of the body. Patients with these symptoms should contact their doctor right away.

Sensitivity to Cold. In people with cryoglobulins, exposure to cold temperatures can lead to pain, itching, or sores on the tip of the nose, ears, fingers, or toes due to reduced blood flow to these areas.

Swollen Abdomen. Lymphoma can cause the spleen or liver to enlarge, making the belly look swollen. In the upper part of the abdomen, the liver is on the right and the spleen on the left. When the spleen gets larger, it can press on the stomach, which makes people feel full when they eat only a small amount.

Vision Problems. Bleeding around the small blood vessels inside the eyes or poor circulation in these vessels caused by thickened blood might lead to blurred vision or blind spots.
