
Advertising Policy

We accept advertising and sponsorship on CanCer-666. This allows us to help support this Web site and to continue to develop new content and resources. The presence of ads on CanCer-666 does not imply endorsement of the advertised company or product. We will refuse an advertisement if we believe that it is not suitable for CanCer-666.

The CanCer-666 Web site maintains a distinct separation between advertising content and editorial content. We do not allow outside advertisers to affect the quality or accuracy of information on CanCer-666, and we maintain a stringent policy of editorial independence. Our editorial decisions are independent and unbiased.

All advertising is clearly labeled as an advertisement. Sponsored areas of the site are labeled as such, and the sponsoring organizations are identified. Examples might include an area where a partner offers products or services in a co-branded area of our Web site.

Advertising Requests For information about advertising on CanCer-666, please e-mail us at