
Colon cancer may be detected in its very early stages by any of the following screening tests:
  1. Digital Rectal Examination is very simple to perform and can detect lesions in rectum and prostate. It should be done in a routine physical exam for adults. The physician examines the area by inserting his finger inside the rectum and feeling for abnormalities.
  2. Flexible Sigmoidoscopy is a simple test that has a higher accuracy in detecting lower colon and rectal cancer. A tube is inserted inside the rectum and advanced into lower part of the large bowel. The performing physician can look for any abnormalities and take a biopsy from the abnormal area. Almost 50% of colon cancers are detected with this procedure.
  3. Stool Occult Blood Test. Annual screening for colon cancer with a stool occult blood test for adults over age 50 is a must. Incidence of this cancer rises with age. This test is a rather simple test. Small amounts of stool are placed on a paper card and delivered to the physician's office for testing. A positive test mandates a complete work-up, including a Colonoscopy.
When colon cancer is suspected, a careful workup should be done to establish the diagnosis or to rule it out. It is empirical to visualize the entire colon and rectum. This is achieved by:
  • Barium Enema - A radiological study wherein patients are given a barium enema followed by a series of x-rays of the abdomen.
  • Colonoscopy -This is by far the best method for evaluating the colon area. Biopsies can be taken of any abnormal areas at the same time. A diagnosis is established by laboratory examination of the cancer tissue.